Thursday, July 28, 2022

智利共享充电宝要做SEC 认证 , 怎样申请SEC 认证 ?

 智利共享充电宝要做SEC 认证 , 怎样申请SEC 认证 ? 

模式1流程: 1提供至少3台共享充电宝样品用于测试并取得认可证书和SEC QR码,获得认可证书后必须要在产品上加贴SEC QR码。

2 认可证书签发后, 客户/申请人必须将每一批出口到智利的货物情况告知我们

3我们会在每批货到港后根据货物数量抽取一定数量的样品,做必须的测试。 通过测试的产品才能投放市场销售    南美洲共享充电宝


认证模式2: 包含形式测试+验厂+半年一次的产品评估测试+半年一次的市场抽查

模式2流程: 巴西共享充电宝

1提供至少3台样品用于测试并取得认可证书和SEC QR码,获得认可证书后必须要在产品上加贴SEC QR码。 秘鲁共享充电宝

2 认可证书签发后会半年一次从市场抽样测试(智利实验室机构在智利抽),和半年一次从工厂抽样测试。

3  进行一年一次年度工厂检查(证书长期有效,只要接受工厂检查和抽样)


认证模式6: 认可国外认证+每批货监督测试


1 进口商必须先智利SEC递交,产品已经获得的认证证书(如GS VDE TUV mark  UL等等)!

请必须注意, 能被认可的国外认证必须是被IAF成员或者签约国认可的国外发证机构签发, 并且证书可以在发证机构的网站上查询到。

2 进口商将进口货物到港情况通知我们, 我们会安排抽样和简化测试并且获取认可证书。 

联系: 李经理   +86 18820180076

whatsapp :  +8618820180076

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

OEM Shared Power Bank Station for Customers ,New Trending Sharing Power Bank Rental Station for Restaurant Cafe 

 OEM Shared Power Bank Station for Customers ,New Trending Sharing Power Bank Rental Station for Restaurant Cafe  Bar    

12 Slot Shared Power Banks Charging StationPortable Power Bank Rental Station Cheap Price

Shared Power Bank Station APP Solution ,Scan Code Power Bank Charging Dock Rental System

sharing power bank charging station French 

马来西亚共享充电宝要申请SIRIM认证 , 如何申请 SIRIM 认证 ?


马来西亚共享充电宝要申请SIRIM认证 , 如何申请 共享充电宝 SIRIM 认证 ? 

1. 马来西亚的共享充电宝电压和插头

马来西亚共享充电宝电压240V 50HZ,常见的电源插头插座为英式插头(BS)和欧式插头,具体如下。但是一般的电器产品,必须配备Type G类的英式插头(13A)或者15A的马来插头.


2. 无线产品的马来西亚认证



无线产品申请马来西亚认证,必须有ISO 17025认可实验室出具的EMC、RF和安全测试报告,EMC和安全的测试标准一般为EN标准或者FCC标准。电源适配器必须有IEC 60950-1的测试标准。无线产品的证书有效期一般为单次、一年和五年三种。证书的费用根据无线模块的形式(2/3/4G、GPS、蓝牙、WiFi、射频等的数量决定),一般认证的申请周期为一个月。


3. 电子电器的马来西亚认证



对于大多数电子产品,SIRIM认证接受IEC CB报告,用以豁免测试。同时,进口商必须向ST申请ST COA证书,ST COA证书也是申请SIRIM认证的条件之一。对于部分电子产品在申请ST COA时,必须有能效报告,需要做能效的电子电器产品包括:冰箱、家用空调、电视机、家用电风扇、日光灯管、节能灯、LED灯泡和白炽灯。印尼共享充电宝

电子电器产品的认证方式有两种,一种是SIRIM的产品认证证书(PC license),证书五年有效,但是需要进行年度工厂审查来维持证书的有效性。另外一种模式是批次认证,批次认证需要SIRIM在港口验货,并抽样进行测试,测试合格后才能放行。



whatsapp  : +86 18820180076

Friday, July 15, 2022

印度共享充电宝品牌商一定要做BIS 认证吗 ? 如何申请BIS 证书 ?


印度共享充电宝牌商一定要做BIS 认证吗 ? 如何申请共享充电宝BIS 证书 

印度的共享充电宝投资者中国共享充电宝投资者想做印度共享充电宝市场的客人, 都要咨询是否一定要申请印度共享充电宝BIS 认证 , 如何申请印度共享充电宝认证 。印度国家工商管理局和海关都要求在进入印度市场的共享充电宝产品 , 必须申请同一共享充电宝品牌的BIS 认证, 才能准入印度市场 。如何申请BIS 认证呢 ?

1 ,客户可以在印度申请共享充电宝BIS认证  , 在购买共享充电宝样品注明是为申请BIS 认证用的 , 方便海关清关 , 否则印度海关以非附合印度标准产品被扣留或没收。共享充电宝生产厂家必须提供产品相关部件 的BIS 认证 , 和图纸 , 参数 , 由印度客人向BIS 机构提出BIS 认证 , 认证时间要1-2个月 。

2 , 印度共享充电宝客户可以委托共享充电宝生产厂家为他们的共享充电宝产品代申请BIS 认证 , 客户要提供公司相关资料 。 共享充电宝生产厂家在所在地向BIS 认证机构提出申请, 提供共享充电宝产品的相关资料 , 协调做好共享充电宝BIS 认证的相关工作 ,认证时间 : 1-2个月 。

Contact  :  jack 

whatsapp  :  +86 18820180076

Monday, July 11, 2022

如何评估拉丁美洲共享充电宝市场? 怎样投资南美洲共享充电宝 ?



现在南美洲的共享充电宝市场慢慢好起来了,开始有不少客人咨询南美共享充电宝项目 想在南美洲各国投资共享充电宝项目 但不清楚南美洲共享充电宝项目如何开展。 深圳市中电核心科技有限公司有多年的海外共享充电宝贴牌经验 现在分享给投资拉丁美洲共享充电宝项目的客人。 巴西共享充电宝项目现在有3共享充电宝产品,市场需求很大, 有很大的投资机会, 智利共享充电宝,市场上不多,共享充电宝市场较大,投资机会很多 ,阿根廷共享充电宝解决方案正在落实,有很大的发展空间 ,哥伦比亚是旅游城市,游客很多,哥伦比亚共享充电宝市场需求很大。

如何才能在这些国家投资共享充电宝呢 , 需要什么条件 ?

1 , 投资人要在当地国开有公司, 有公司企业帐号 和税号

2 , 要有一定的共享充电宝投放资源 , 方便投放产品

3 ,要了解所在国家的移动支付政策 , 方便对接共享充电宝APP 的支付系统

4 ,要有软件团队开发共享充电宝APP 或有工程协助厂家开发APP

业务联系 : 李经理 whatsapp: +86 18820180076

How to analyze the shared power bank market in South America ?


How to analyze  the shared power bank market in South America ?

 Now the shared power bank market in South America is slowly getting better, and many customers have begun to inquire about investing in shared power bank projects in South America  countries, but it is  not clear how the shared power bank project will be carried out. Shenzhen Zhongdian Core Technology Co., Ltd. has many years of experience in sharing power bank business overseas, and now it is shared with guests who invest in shared power bank projects in South America. Chile shared power bank project now has 3 shared power bank products, which are in great power bank market demand and have great investment opportunities. The Brazilsharing power bank business has great investment opportunities for shared power banks, and Peru shares power bank solutions. Argentina power bank rental  is a tourist city with many tourists. The sharing power bank market demand is great. 

1. Investors must have a company in the local country, with a company account and tax number 

2. There must be certain resources for sharing power bank station to facilitate product launch 

3. To understand the mobile payment policies of the country where they are located, it is convenient to connect to the power bank APP payment System

 4, there must be a software team to develop APP or engineering to assist manufacturers in developing APP

contact : jack 

whatsapp : +86 18820180076

Market Analysis of Shared Power Banks in the Europe

 Market Analysis of Shared Power Banks in the Europe ,

Market Analysis of Shared Power Banks in the Europe , French , and Itaky  Now more and more foreign investors choose to invest in shared power bank projects, and the development of the concept of sharing is getting better and better. The Spain power bank station rental project , French sharing power bank business , Poland shared power bank project is one of the most popular projects in the sharing economy.After several years of

 development in China, the power bank rental project has brought great benefits to investors. Now more and more foreign investors also want people to join the shared power bank project. The Spain power bank rental  , French power bank sharing  , and Italy shared power bank Market is in the initial stage of development and has great prospects for development. Some countries also have 2-3 The home-sharing power bank brand was launched, but it could not meet the needs of the market and needed government support and investor investment.

contact jack 

whatsapp :  +86 18820180076


How to Test the Shared Power Bank Station can Work Normally ?


How to Test   the Shared Power Bank Station can Work  Normally ?

Many customer ask me  How to Test   the Shared Power Bank Station can Work  Normally ? Just checking the power bank station LED lights on the back of the cabinet can identify problems and solutions. The following are no

 guidelines for testing. 

1. When the LED light flashes, it is the network initialization, and it can be done after the

 initialization is completed. 

2. When the LED light flashes 2 times repeatedly, it means that the SIM card has failed to be

 read. Please shut down, check the SIM card, insert the SIM card firmly, and turn it on again. If it still remains unchanged,

 please contact the manufacturer.

 3. When the LED light flashes  3 times repeatedly, the network is being registered, please wait for a while

4, when the LED light flashes repeatedly , 4 times, the module is faulty, please restart. No change,  please Lenovo to the manufacturer. 


5. When the LED light flashes 5 times repeatedly, log in to the server until the LED is

 always on, indicating that the network is successful and can be used normally.


Shared power bank in China 

Shared power bank in Australia

Power bank charging station 

Shared power bank station Turkey

Contact  :   jack  

whatsapp :  +86 18820180076