Thursday, December 11, 2014

Seven Steps to DIY a Fashion Rice Cake in Home

Rice cake has been used for thousand years in Southern China ,every family make rice on holiday ,there are hundred methods to do  the rice cake .
To make a rice cake ,something we need to prepare 
A ,Tune the rice to rice paste ,silicone baking pan
B ,Clean the silicone cake pan ,lovely shape silicone baking cake pan
C ,Ready the steamer oven or steam bowl ,boiling the water .silicone pan for baking
D ,Place the silicone pan on  the steamer ,pure the rice paste to the silicone pan ,about 50% of the pan .then close the bowl cover to steam the rice cake .100% silicone muffin pans
E ,About thirty minutes later ,it rice cake has been finished .silicone baking pad
F ,Open the bowl cover ,the silicone pan is very hot ,you need to wear the silicone oven mitt to take the pan out the bowl .silicone fruit cake pan

G ,Wash the silicone cake pan with warm water .flower shape silicone cake pans


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